Medjugorje – Virgen de Medjugorje

Conclusiones I Congreso de Grupos de Oración de Colombia

I went to Cartagena too when I visited Colombia. Wonderful place. The old walled city is very charming, nicely restored, has lots of nice restaurants, boutique hotels and interesting stores. The warm Caribean beaches are just a few minutes away walking. What can I say, I had a wonderful time there, too short! HDR of three handheld shots. I just didn't feel like carrying the tripod during the day. My usual workflow starting with Photomatix 4 details enhancer, then Noiseware noise reduction. Then Nik patched up a hole in the sky, Nik Pro Contrast, Nik Viveza 2 to liven the church, especially the top of the towers which Photomatix made dark. I find Viveza very useful to correct things that Photomatix does incorrectly. Livened the red portholes and door on the church. Corrected perspective distortion, then some burning around the edges. I am not thrilled with the composition. I wanted to shoot it dead center so the perspective would be nicer, but then the statue would have covered the door. Perhaps the door half way in between the two status would have been better. I have to go back and try it, Yeah!



Cartagena, Agosto 15 de 1992

Con motivo de los 500 años de Evangelización en América, el Arzobispo de Cartagena Monseñor Carlos José Ruiseco designó al padre Gilberto Hoyos Hoyos, para liderar junto con un grupo de laicos Marianos el Primer Congreso Mariano Nacional de los Centros María Reina de la Paz, convocatoria para todas las diócesis del País.





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